The focus of the study is nationally oriented (27) and socially oriented (140) NGOs in 18 Arctic single-industry towns. The volume of funds won by Arctic non-profit organizations over the past 5 years was estimated. The leader single-industry towns in the formation of civil society in the Arctic (Norilsk and Severodvinsk) were identified. In the course of the study, it was concluded that Norilsk is a serious actor of civil society in the Arctic - in terms of the number of registered socially oriented NGOs (32), the number of grant funds raised (over 60 million rubles), the number of grants received over the past 5 years (31 grants). Also, Norilsk is a truly interethnic Arctic city - the leader in the number of registered nationally oriented NGOs (12), the city also ranks 1st among the studied single-industry towns in terms of attracting foreign labor migrants.